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Meet & Greet for the Next Generation of Rural Researchers

Academy Building 1111.0001 (Heymanszaal)
Monday, June 26, 2023
14:30 - 15:45


For early career researchers, we would like to take the opportunity to organise a short Meet & Greet session prior to the opening of the Rural Geographies Conference. Please feel free to join if you are interested to meet your fellow colleagues at the start of their academic career! The Meet & Greet will be organised as an informal session, which allows you to discuss your main research interests in small groups. We will also have time to exchange common challenges faced or still facing and can hopefully identify some good practices together. We hope to see you there! Please do not hesitate to get in contact if there are any questions left: c.t.rundel@rug.nl



Contact for questions about abstracts or registration: groningen@congressbydesign.com 

Contact for questions about the content of the programme: ruralgeo2023@rug.nl 
